Tuesday, November 26, 2019
11 Motivational Quotes For When You Are Job Seeking
11 Motivational Quotes For When You Are Job Seeking Looking for a job is often a long and challenging process. One of the most difficult things about it is staying motivated when it just seems like you have spent hours formatting one line on your resume or sending out another cover letter. But it is important to remember that it takes a lot of work to find a good job, let alone one that is right for you and your career direction. When you are down, say some of these to yourself: 1. Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor. – Rumi 2. There is no hierarchy expect quality. – Arianna Huffington 3. Schedule your creative time. – John Legend 4. Nothing kills creativity more than stress. – Arianna Huffington 5. There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. – Aristotle 6. The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. – Chinese Proverb 7. We become what we think about. – Earl Nightingale 8. If you’re going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill 9. Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. – Unknown 10. Self expression is the new form of entertainment  11. Okay, the trampoline was a bad idea. But you know what? At least I’m out there trying new things. – Homer Simpson
Friday, November 22, 2019
Literacy is key to success at work - Emphasis
Literacy is key to success at work Literacy is key to success at work Poor literacy at work is still a major problem, new research has found. The report, Literacy: State of the Nation, examined the UKs literacy levels both in schools and in the workplace. While a quarter of young people see no connection between reading and success, the research results made the link clear. Two-thirds of men and three-quarters of women with low literacy levels had never received a promotion. The knock-on effect could be costing the rest of the country too, according to the National Literacy Trust, which published the report. The findings are extremely worrying, says Jonathan Douglas, the Trusts director. It is estimated that poor literacy costs the economy 2.5bn a year. Worrying indeed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Microtubules Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Microtubules - Essay Example Microtubules Again, these mechanisms need further exploration but the existing understanding is that reorganization of F-actin causes destabilization of transinteraction between TJ and AJ proteins of the adjacent epithelial cells and in turn initiate AJC internalization. Microtubules, which are also an important element of intracellular cytoskeleton have also been found to be closely related to the cell movement as a whole or any intracellular structure formation like, vesiscles and their movement. Data support the abundance of microtubules in differentiated renal and intestinal cells and depolymerization of microtubules leading to disruption of the integrity of TJs and Ajs in some tissues like lungs. This evidence led the author to explore the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disruptions of apical junction complex. Existing evidence strongly support the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disruption of intercellular connections like tight junctions and adherens junction in various tissues and helps in the pathogenesis of various disease processes. In this regard it has been shown that the endothelial intercellular junctions are also disassembled as well as others like in the brain. Building a rationale on the basis of these data, author formulated a hypothesis: ‘microtubules are involved in the disruption of apical junctions in simple epithelial cells’.... 'Disassembly of the AJC in calcium depleted SK-CO-15 cells is dependent on microtubule integrity;' 'Inhibition or attenuation of AJC disassembly by microtubule stabilization would indicate the role for dynamic microtubules in the process;' 'Polarity of perijunctional microtubules would dictate the type of microtubule motor which is involved in disassembly and internalization of the AJC.' To test these hypotheses, the author carried out a research study where a number of experimental activities were carried out, like: use of antibodies for the detection of intercellular junctions, while microtubules were detected by immunoflurescence labeling and Western Blotting. Cell culture was used was SK-CO-15, which is a transformed human colonic epithelial cell line. To make the medium free from Ca++, the monolayers of epithelium were washed with calcium free-Eagle's minimum essential medium for suspension culture. Pharmacological agents utilized were; nocodazole; docetaxel and pacitaxel; adenylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) and aurintriccarboxyylic acid (ATA). Major findings Through this experiment, the author has been able to demonstrate the role of microtubules depolymerization in the disassembly of junctional complexes through a variety of experimental evidence. Disassembly of the AJC in calcium depleted SK-CO-15 cells To answer the research question related to first sub-hypothesis, the findings have been: At normal Ca++ concentrations, depolymerized microtubules with nocodazole TJ and AJ proteins were found to be located at the cell-cell contacts, reflecting chicken-wire staining pattern while in the environment with depletion of Ca++ for one hour the result was disruption of AJs and TJs with accumulation of e-cadherin, occluding and ZO-1 in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
History of Health and Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of Health and Human Services - Essay Example The development of human services is thus affected by the beliefs and values held by the society over time. Since beliefs and values keep changing, the human services field develops accordingly.3 The current health and human services can thus be viewed as representing the current attitudes, beliefs, and values of the contemporary American society. There are also questions as to which group of people and the types of problems should be helped, to what extent and how. Many people and events have also shaped the development and direction of the field. This paper will try to outline the history of Heath and Human Services field from the start of US history up until the year 1880. It will try to explain the main pioneers of this field among other issues such as the main Acts. However, it will first give a brief history of the era before US independence in order to understand the development of the field better and its foundation. Pre-independence Era The US human services are based on the Elizabethan poor laws of 1601 of England. According to Woodside and McClam this law guided the social welfare practices in England and US for the next 350 years by specifying who was to provide what services to those in need.4 Before inception of this law, the early communities used to believe that diseases were caused by supernatural beings such as demons. The work of medicine men was thus to exorcise the evil spirits. As society progressed, so did their beliefs and development of human services field. The Hippocrates were more civilized began to attribute diseases and disabilities to brain malfunction as opposed to demons. Diseases were thus treatable with use of exercise, vegetable diets and change of lifestyle.5 The renaissance era marked the beginning of formal state intervention in provision of social services. The state established the poor laws which segregated people into three categories. The poor were placed in shelters and some were sent to poorhouse or almshouse. These houses were under poor conditions and lacked essential services; they were congested, food was in short supply not forgetting the stigma associated with such houses. Most people were against helping the poor and saw it as a means of promoting laziness. The situation was worsened by the industrial revolution. There was growth of urban centers due to introduction of the factory system. This led to mass migration of people from rural to urban areas hence an increase in urban poor and prompting the need for public institutions to cater for them.6 The new beliefs during this period were centered on the protestant work ethic. This was the belief that hard work portrays virtuousness and deserves to be rewarded while laziness deserved punishment.7 As such, wealth was considered as the reward for hard work and poverty as punishment from God. This philosophy was neither considerate of the poor in society nor those with disabilities or could not find a job. The poor were not to be helped but to be encouraged to work hard so as to earn a living and improve their well-being. The introduction of the less eligibility concept was geared towards encouraging people to work. It maintained that assistance given was to be lower than the lowest wage paid to any working person.8
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hardware analysis Essay Example for Free
Hardware analysis Essay If any mistakes are found, he has assured them more work for less pay by making them enter all data twice, after which the computer will check for errors (Double-entry verification). This will also show who is to blame for mistakes. Output The website should be viewable on the 17inch CRT monitor. A large high spec TFT monitor is not needed, as it will only be used to see the end product of the produced website, and how it will look like to viewers on the internet. This display would be sensible to use, as the majority of internet users will be using a similar output. A standard set of speakers will be needed to test the audio files that shall be put on the website. A top of the range sub-woofer system will not be necessary, as the main purpose of the speakers will be testing. A regular set of 230w speakers should be more than fit for the purpose. A top-quality colour laser printer will not be needed to print out pages from his website. Instead the HP DeskJet 620 printer that will come with the PC he will purchase will be more cost-effective, and is adequate for its purpose as only a few pages are going to be printed on the odd occasion. It will allow him to print out pages in black or in colour from his website when and so he pleases, to see what they would look like to customers if they were to print out the same pages. Backup\Security Strategy The website file containing the final system will be too large to be backed up on disk, as it could be well over a 100MB, due to images and video audio files. Instead, backups shall be made at least once a week onto to as many recordable compact discs (CD-R) as needed. This process will usually take 8 minutes per recordable disc as Mr Murray is lucky enough to be receiving a 32x CD rewriter with his pc. All backup in a different location to where the computer containing the main system is, in case there is a fire, theft or flood. To make sure nobody can manipulate the website design, the computer with the website on it, and the website itself are both going to be password-protected. This will be very useful, as Mr Murray can protect the database from any unwanted intruders, and choose who he wants to have the responsibility of knowing the password. Even so, Mr Murray needs to remember to frequently change his password, in case someone finds out the password and gains access to the database. Most important of all, Mr Murray and whomsoever he chooses to tell the password to, must not write the password anywhere as this increases the risk of an impostor tampering with the design of the website. Although, the software package is quite costly, as mentioned in the identify section cost is not a huge problem for Mr Murray, as he has some family members who are ready to invest in the business. On the other hand, Mr Murray does not want to be paying large amounts of money, for a system which is not 100% guaranteed to work. Therefore Mr Murray has to find a balance, and go with the software package which he thinks is the most likely to work. After some discussion, Mr Murray and I decided that MS Publisher would be the most suitable software package for Mr Murray to use. in relation to the user requirements mentioned in the identify section. Microsoft Word could be used. As mentioned in the Identify section, it can be used to insert pictures video clips, however it cannot be edited with as much ease as a true desktop publishing package. Front page Express would be a good choice, as it is specifically written for producing web sites. However, staff will need training, and the software package does not come cheep. Mr Murrays advertising employees currently use Microsoft Works to produce their material. Microsoft Works is a very simple version of its bigger brother Microsoft Word. This means that staff may not need training. Microsoft Word not only includes graphics and fancy headings, but can also be used to insert video clips. Nevertheless, the cost needed to buy the program will be an issue, as Mr Murray is currently in debt from a bank loan. A desktop Publishing program could also be purchased. This would be a considerable package to consider, as it is specifically written for publishing, and can be used to publish a web site, which is accessible from anywhere in the world. Even So, there is the cost of buying the program to consider (as mentioned earlier), as well as the money and time needed to train staff. include data collection evaluation methods [In each section (e. g. video , dvd etc.. ) the best title will have a video clip of it attached on that section of the website. ]
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Relay Services for the Deaf Essay -- essays papers
Relay Services for the Deaf In America, there are more than 28 million deaf people but there are many different services available to meet their needs. A hearing person can have a casual conversation without even realizing the difficulties that 202,613 (5.58%) hard of hearing people might face in the world (Stat. on Deafness). It doesn’t have to be so difficult for a deaf/hard of hearing person to have a conversation even if the person they are talking to is in another state. With popular services such as Maryland Relay, the TTY and various telecommunications relay services- it is now possible for deaf people to have a phone conversation. In 1984, of the 85 million telephones in the United States and Canada, less than one percent were used regularly by deaf people (Lang). Advocates for deaf, Robert H. Weitbrecht, James C. Marsters and Andrew Saks â€Å"started the process that led to deaf people around the world having an affordable phone system they could use†(Lang). The new technology that is coming out assist deaf people is amazing and very helpful. Robert H. Weitbrecht led the way to developing one of the most popular technology services for the deaf- the teletypewriter using shortwave radios. If more than 1/3 of the U.S. population has a significant hearing impairment by age 65, it is evident that something needed to be done to help people in the world better communicate with the deaf/hard of hearing population (Stat. on Deafness). One advancement in the world of relay services is the teletypewriter-TTY, also called text telephones, which looks similar to a typewriter with a text screen. It enables deaf or hard of hearing people to make phone calls that they wouldn’t normally be able to make on a standard teleph... ....rm Overview of the Maryland Relay. (2003). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from http://www.mdrelay.org/relay/mdrelayoverview.htm PR Newswire. "Hands on Expands Video Relay Services to include Videophone Users." Deaf Today. http://www.deaftoday.com/news/archives.html. â€Å"Statistics on Deafness & Hearing Disorders in the U.S.†(n.d) Deaf and HOH culture information. Retrieved December 5, 2004, from, http://members.aol.com/deafcultureinfo/deafstatistics.htm. Texas School for the Deaf goes to the head of the class...with Installation of Sprint Empowered EducationSM. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from, http://www.relaytoday.com/admin/previewnewsletter.php?ID=2#27 â€Å"Ultratec Public TTY Hearing Impaired Telephones -Vandal Proof Motorized or Shelf Top Units.†(n.d) Phone Merchants. Retrieved December 4, 2004, from http://www.phonemerchants.com/ulpubttyhear.html.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Elements of Effective Layout by Dorothy Cohen Essay
Marketing, a strategy to attract a person’s attention to a visual element, is part of today’s commercially based economy. In Dorothy Cohen’s Elements of Effective Layout, the author illustrates her principle argument through means of persuasion focuses on how a given layout can indeed attract attention and how the dominant requisites of an effective marketing layout are, in fact, balance, movement, proportion, simplicity and clarity, unity and emphasis. Within the text, a segment focusing on unity and how it is an important element of attracting attention, Cohen argues: â€Å"A border surrounding an ad provides a method of achieving unity. Sets of borders may occur within an ad, and, when they are similar in thickness and tone they provide a sense of unity. †Here, the author debates about how the graphic requisites of attraction in advertising are crucial in order to spark interest to a viewer. This process is best defined when describing the unity requisite of graphic layout by Cohen when she describes the similarities in ‘thickness’ and ‘tone’ providing a strong sense of unity. The author begins by describing the balance requisite and how an advertisement can rely on how ‘visual weight’ is distributed within its ‘landscape’. In this first section of the article mathematical terms are used to illicit a sense of visual and spatial concepts, for example the ‘fulcrum’ or balancing point. In a secondary section, proportion is emphasized in regards to aesthetic layout in a graphic representation to best describe the size of an element in regards to the rest of the image/picture/advertisement. More specifically, it is demonstrated that non-proportional images use the proportion of a layout to fortify a particular theme or underlying message. In a third section, the movement aspect of graphic layout is explained as a sequence which enables directional flow in order to direct the interpreter into a coherent and cohesive manner. Typically via, either, gaze motion or structural motion which can differ from one individual to another. The fourth requisite of graphic layout is unity, this element being an important aspect of interpretation, is how Cohen identifies the combination of all aesthetic, structural and visual aspects of the image form a whole in order to display the intended message. This being the accumulation of the graphic representation as a whole is dominantly the main aspect when summing up the advertisement in its entirety. Particular attention is paid to form and the use of white space in order to bring out all aspects rendering a thorough representation of a particular theme or idea. Also, another section pertains to the clarity and simplicity, which tells us about how the message will generally be interpreted and what will be the outcome of such a message when displayed. Lastly, Cohen discusses emphasis in order to best identify how the most important element is emphasized in order to strengthen the intended point behind the advertisement. Although the information provided within this text is accurate, the segment concerning unity and how the border of a graphic layout achieves a sense of unity by adding a boundary is appropriate for the particular topic, but has a fallacy that of hasty generalization. For some, such boundaries help strengthen the image’s unity, but others may simply see such boundaries as limits or borders. This generalization is also hasty, because the thickness can identify the unity of the advertisement, but can also identify the particular look or style the creator is attempting to illustrate. The information within this passage is certainly accurate, but is not final. In my response, the provided information regarding graphic layout may be illegitimate, because I am not studying marketing, but as an individual or interpreter of an advertisement I know that borders that are similar in tone and thickness do help unify the image, but don’t make the graphic layout limitless or one-sided. As an interpreter, I can justly see such borders as a means to create boundaries keeping the strengths of the image concealed within a structured environment as opposed to a united one. This article helps illustrate the fundamentals behind graphic layout and advertisement in contemporary marketing strategies. Cohen reveals such concepts in an essay on unfairness about trade regulating rules where advertising takes a whole new approach towards legality of advertising and appropriate demonstrations of graphic layout (Cohen, 1982).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Academic Freedom Essay
Freedom is a basic to education in modern democracies. Freedom in education can be categorized in the various aspects such as; Freedom of the child, academic freedom and freedom to read. Mc’Garry and Ward, (1966) puts it: A free society and a free world imply a free educational system and a freedom within the framework of maximum control. In such a closed society they maintained, freedom in education may consist of ability to say or do in consequential things. The legal idea of academic freedom originated in Germany in 1850. The Prussian Constitution declared that â€Å"science and its teaching shall be free. †In Germany, academic freedom is known as the right of faculty to teach on any subject, that was freedom of scientific research, and the right of students to attend any lectures, and the absence of class roll calls writes standler (2000). Academic freedom spread to America in the early 20th Century (Post, 2000). Most American universities at that time were proprietary; professors were understood to be the employees of whoever owned the university, whether that was a private or state. See more: Analysis of Starbucks coffee company employees essay Then the professors began to conceive of themselves not as mere employees, but as professional scholars who were answerable to the professional judgment of their peers, they began to create the idea of academic freedom. Still, academic freedom has limits. In the United States, for example, according to the widely recognized â€Å"1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure†, teachers should be careful to avoid controversial matter that is unrelated to the subject. When they speak or write in public, they are free to express their opinions without fear from institutional censorship or discipline, but they should show restraint and clearly indicate that they are not speaking for their institution. Academic tenure protects academic freedom by ensuring that teachers can be fired only for causes such as gross professional incompetence or behavior that evokes condemnation from the academic community itself. Proponents of academic freedom believe that the freedom of inquiry by students and faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy. They argue that academic communities are repeatedly targeted for repression due to their ability to shape and control the flow of information. When scholars attempt to teach or communicate ideas or facts that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities, they may find themselves targeted for public vilification, job loss, imprisonment, or even death. For example, in North Africa, a professor of public health discovered that his country’s infant mortality rate was higher than government figures indicated. He lost his job and was imprisoned. Academic freedom refers to the amount of independent judgment allowed teachers and students as both seek knowledge about the world. Maclever as sited by Harris and Liba (1960) holds that academic freedom refers to the freedom of the scholar with the university to pursue knowledge. Dewey and Lovejoy cited by Haris and Liba (1960) also related academic freedom to university teaching. In the modern society and modern aspects of teaching and learning, academic freedom can no longer be considered a university concern but it cuts across all aspects of the academia. Right is what a person is entitled to. Or what is legally due to a citizen account of being a member of a state, (International Declaration or Human Rights) established in 1948, as a common standard of achievement for all people and all nations. This document recognizes the basic human rights and freedom, justice and peace in the world having experienced the two world wars. The commission for Higher Education (CHE) University Act was established in 1985, July and inaugurated on 16th October 1985. It plans programs and finances public universities. It also coordinates admission process, accreditation of university coordination or post secondary training institution and standardization. Recognition and equation of qualifications are also its function according to the requirements of the law. It also guides students in applying or various courses that will lead them to different career choices. This was adopted by the United Nations (U. N) assembly is resolution 44/25 on the 20th November 1989. Talks of Freedom of Expression of opinion and views in Art 12 states that; every child who is capable of forming views and opinion has a right to express them freely; in all matters that affects them. In article number 13 on Freedom of Expression says that the child shall have a right to freedom of expression in terms of: Freedom to seek, Freedom to receive and Freedom to impart information and ideas of all kinds either orally or in writing in art and music. But the exercise of these rights must respect the rights and limitations of others and must respect the country’s laws and morals. Academic freedom consists in protecting the intellectual independence of professors, researchers and students in the pursuit of knowledge and the expression of ideas from interference by legislators or authorities within the institution itself. This implies that no political, ideological or religious orthodoxy will be imposed on professors and researchers through the hiring or tenure or termination process, or though any other administrative means by the academic institution. Nor shall legislatures impose any such orthodoxy through their control or the university budget. This protection includes students. Gwin, Swanson, and Goetz, (1986) also defined academic freedom as the freedom of teachers students to teach, study, and pursue knowledge and research without unreasonable interference or restriction from law, institutional regulations, or public pressure and added that the basic elements of academic freedom include the freedom of teachers to inquire into any subject that evokes their intellectual concern; to present their findings to their students, colleagues, and others, to publish their private data and conclusions without control or censorship; to teach in manner they consider professionally appropriate; and to act in their private lives with all the rights and liberties enjoyed by other citizens This directs towards speaking your mind and challenge conventional wisdom. In today’s political climate it is harder than ever for academics to defend open debate. In away restrictive legislation, and the bureaucratic rules and regulations of government and Universities themselves, have undermined academic freedom. Many academics are fearful of upsetting managers and politicians by expressing controversial opinions. Afraid to challenge mainstream thought, many pursue self-censorship. Academic freedom in Kenya was one of the casualties of repression. Mutunga and Kiai, (1996) stated that since proponents of academic freedom cherished free thought, open expression and good organization, they have been victimized, jailed and tortured. The harassment led to both external and internal exile. Academics like Ngugi wa Thiong’o, ali Mazrui, are victims. There are others who are internally exiles some of these scholars were forced to seek alternatives to the public universities to continue their scholarship and their contribution to the society. The Control of responsibility of public Universities by the state led to abdication of responsibility by university authorities. They instead prefer to call upon state machinery like the police to deal with any crisis in whichever way. University students or staff member wishing to travel outside Kenya must have official government clearance. In the case of university staff, the application from clearance is initially approved by the head of department followed by the dean of faculty, the principal of college, and ultimately the vice-chancellor. Subsequently, the ministry of Education and the Office of the President have to give the final approval, (Mutunga and Kiai, 1996). As at the time the above views about Kenya were documented, one could conclude that academic freedom hangs perilously close to non-existence in Kenya. It was not only the students and lecturers who suffered then, but all the people of Kenya who were denied the benefits that accrued from the existence of academic freedom. There was a moment in Kenya when they President threw a ban on Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and allowed KUPPET to come into existence to suppress the powers of KNUT. This was due to the stand that KNUT took as concerns the rights of the teachers in the country. Academic freedom is experienced unequally in the contemporary world. It is securely established in some countries, and scarcely exists in others, and in between the extremes it exists in varying degree of amplitude and security. Where academic freedom is well defined and respected, the teaching profession understands that the principle protects the professor against the devastating consequences of arbitrary dismissal. It is recognized that the eacher can be dismissed only for adequate cause, as established in a proceeding, which measures up to the requirements of due process, including a hearing before a tribunal consisting of his academic peers. It is well understood that the security of the professor depends not so much upon the substantive definition of what constitutes adequate cause, as upon the procedures which are followed. That proper procedure is an indispensable element of justice in the life of the state is a commonplace observation. Proper procedure is equally essential if academic freedom is to remain a viable concept. This will promote literacy in the African continent.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Fair or Unfair
Fair or Unfair : George W. Bush’s Tax Cut Plan Americans both rich and poor pay portions of their salaries to federal taxes each year. Well it’s time to change the out of date tax plan. President George W. Bush wants to provide federal income tax relief for all taxpaying Americans. President Bush believes that his plan will help jump start the economy.George W. Bush has devised a fair and just way to cut taxes and in some cases eliminate taxs for Americans. President Bush’s proposal will simplify the tax code. There would be four income tax brackets rather than the five brackets in place now. There would be a ten percent, fifthteen percent, twenty-five percent and thirty-five percent tax brackets. This would allow for six million families, that’s one out of every five families with children to become exempt from paying income taxes completely. Also under Bush’s plan the marriage penalty would be reduced, it will provide incentives to encourage charitable giving, expand tax credit from five-hundred dollars to one-thousand dollars per child and end the estate tax. This is a fair way to offer tax relief for everyone who pays income taxes and keep the national commitment to social security, debt reduction and other federal programs. The average American family with two children would get an average of one-thousand-six-hundred dollars extra. Working families earning between thirty-five thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars anually will save from six-hundred to three-thousand dollars each year. The new ten percent rate along with the child credit would cut federal marginal tax rates by forty percent on many struggling taxpayers. ( President Bush’s Agenda for Tax Relief, www.whitehouse.gov) Considering the current economy this is a excellent way to jump start the economy. While returning money to the American people. In closing this is fair and just way to cut taxes for the benefit of the American people.... Free Essays on Fair or Unfair Free Essays on Fair or Unfair Fair or Unfair : George W. Bush’s Tax Cut Plan Americans both rich and poor pay portions of their salaries to federal taxes each year. Well it’s time to change the out of date tax plan. President George W. Bush wants to provide federal income tax relief for all taxpaying Americans. President Bush believes that his plan will help jump start the economy.George W. Bush has devised a fair and just way to cut taxes and in some cases eliminate taxs for Americans. President Bush’s proposal will simplify the tax code. There would be four income tax brackets rather than the five brackets in place now. There would be a ten percent, fifthteen percent, twenty-five percent and thirty-five percent tax brackets. This would allow for six million families, that’s one out of every five families with children to become exempt from paying income taxes completely. Also under Bush’s plan the marriage penalty would be reduced, it will provide incentives to encourage charitable giving, expand tax credit from five-hundred dollars to one-thousand dollars per child and end the estate tax. This is a fair way to offer tax relief for everyone who pays income taxes and keep the national commitment to social security, debt reduction and other federal programs. The average American family with two children would get an average of one-thousand-six-hundred dollars extra. Working families earning between thirty-five thousand and seventy-five thousand dollars anually will save from six-hundred to three-thousand dollars each year. The new ten percent rate along with the child credit would cut federal marginal tax rates by forty percent on many struggling taxpayers. ( President Bush’s Agenda for Tax Relief, www.whitehouse.gov) Considering the current economy this is a excellent way to jump start the economy. While returning money to the American people. In closing this is fair and just way to cut taxes for the benefit of the American people....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Withdraw from a Class
How to Withdraw from a Class While you know how to register for classes, knowing how to withdraw from a class can be a little more challenging. After all, your school probably didnt go over how to drop a class during orientation week; everyone is too busy planning and preparing for the start of a new semester. Sometimes, however, your awesome start-of-the-semester plans dont work out and you need to drop one or more classes. So just where do you begin? Talk to Your Academic Adviser Talking with your academic adviser is an absolute necessity, so start there. Be prepared, however; your adviser will likely want to ask you a few questions about why youre dropping and, if applicable, talk about whether or not you should drop the class. If you both decide that dropping the course is the best option, however, your adviser will have to sign off on your forms and approve the decision. He or she can also help you plan out how youre going to make up the course content and/or units that youll need to graduate. Talk to Your Professor You likely cant just drop the class without talking to the professor (even if theyre a bad one) or at least the TA. They are accountable for your progress in the class and for turning in your final grade at the end of the semester. Make an appointment or stop in during office hours to let your professor and/or TA know that youre dropping the class. If youve already talked to your academic adviser, the conversation should go pretty smoothly- and quickly. And given that youll likely need your professors signature on a form or approval to drop, this step is a requirement as well as a courtesy. Head to the Registrar's Office Even if your academic adviser and your professor know that youre going to drop the class, you have to officially let your college know. Even if you can do everything online, check in with your registrar to make sure you have submitted everything they need and that youve submitted it on time. Additionally, follow-up to make sure everything goes through okay. While you may have submitted your materials, they may not have received them for whatever reason. You dont want your withdrawal to turn into a ​fail on your transcript, and its much easier to confirm now that your drop went through okay than it is to correct things in several months when you realize an error was made. Tie up Any Loose Ends Make sure to let any lab partners know that youve dropped the class, for example. Similarly, return any equipment you may have checked out and remove yourself from the list of students who have a music rehearsal space reserved on a rotation basis. You dont want to needlessly be using resources that other students need or, even worse, be charged for their use when you dont need them any longer.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Server Roles for Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 Essay
Server Roles for Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 - Essay Example AD CS can be used to create a single or many certification authorities to obtain certificate requests, confirm the information in the requests and the requester’s identity, revoke certificates, issue them, and publish revocation data. AD CS support applications such as secure wireless services, smart card logon, and digital signatures (Kelbley & Sterling, 2010). This role provides a total solution for accommodating and managing high-performance allocated business applications. Here, integrated services like the .NET Framework, COM+, and Web Server Support enhance productivity all through the application life cycle, ranging from design and development up to operations and deployment. This role, (DNS) gives a standard way for relating designations with numeric Internet addresses. With this, users refer to system computers through using easily remembered names rather than a long series of numbers. The DNS services may be integrated with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol services, eradicating the necessity to add DNS records as more computers are increased on the network. Of the above roles, the Active Directory System would be best installed in the Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization. This is can be either the Active Directory Domain Service or the Active Directory Federation Services. This is because the role can enable this organization to install Windows in phases, thus enabling integration of other systems. Based on the networking of a this big organization, (Kudler) the Active Directory System is essential because it can authenticate users to many applications that use one user account, and it can be used on a larger scale, providing each user with virtual services (Laudon & Laudon, 2007). Additions to the Negotiate Authentication package by use of NegoExts, the SSP can be authenticated to negotiate them between Microsoft and related software providers. Such extensions
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