Thursday, October 31, 2019
Modernist and Postmodernist Fashion Designers Essay
Modernist and Postmodernist Fashion Designers - Essay Example The essay "Modernist and Postmodernist Fashion Designers" discusses the designers and fashion in the context of Modernism and Postmodernism. The word 'modern' from which 'modernism' seems to be coined, generically refer to anything that is contemporaneous; in this sense, all art can be said to be modern as at when it was made. However, as an art historical term, modernism refers to a period dating from around the 1860s through the 1970s and is therefore used to identify the style, ideology and forms of art produced during this period. According to Klages (2003), modernism can be described as the movement in visual arts, music, literature, fashion and drama, which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean. During the later half of the 20th century, it became gradually apparent to many that the worldview fostered through Modernism is flawed, corrupt, and oppressive. A couple of events, including both World Wars, further heightened this perception. The perceived failure of modernism, as a movement and ideology, gave birth to the new period now referred to as Postmodernism, an ideology that has only emerged as an area of academic study since the mid-1980s. However, the term postmodernism is used in a number of confusing of ways; there is a problem with assigning a definite or useful definition to the term, most definitions are hopelessly vague and often inconsistent with each other. For some, postmodernism means anti-modern. while for others it is merely a revision of modernist premises (Burke, 2005; Witcombe, 2000). The stance of those who see postmodernism as anti-modernism is a basic rejection of the major tenets of modernism; that is, a rejection of the doctrine of the supremacy of reason, the notion of truth, the belief in the perfectibility of man, and the idea that we could create a better, if not perfect, society. This stance has been labelled 'deconstructive
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
To what extent do transnational media exert influence on Asian Essay
To what extent do transnational media exert influence on Asian countries ---outline - Essay Example The sweeping wave of globalization has greatly impacted the media industry. Today, national and regional boundaries have ceased to contain flaws and flows even as countries struggle to institute measures to control international communications a noted by Alterman (1998). There are several advantages and disadvantages that have been associated with international communication as presented by media. Some of its advantages include the easy flow of ideas, influencing such things as transnational movements of people, capital, and goods. New practices in media have greatly shaped media spaces leading to the establishment of contemporary cultures and doing away with age old orders. Asian countries previously were considered to be closed societies, almost geographically isolated from one another (TBS nd). This has however changed due to a myriad of reasons. This study will focus on the extent to which transnational media influences Asian countries. Main Objective 1. To establish the extent t o which transnational media has influenced Asian countries Specific Objectives 1. To establish the presence and operation of transnational media in Asian countries 2. To establish the extent to which transnational media operates in various Asian countries 3.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
History And Introduction Of Binary Trees English Language Essay
History And Introduction Of Binary Trees English Language Essay Tree is a data structure usually use in math concept can be seen as a graph. The data structure or graph are suited each other as the data structure does not only contain elements but the connection of the elements too. History of Tree was prevented by Cayley in 1857 (100 years before Malaysia got the independence). Cayley was the first man study about Tree then continues by Mckay. He discovers the vertices in database of tree into18 vertices and Royle maintains up to 20 vertices. Nowadays all their effort grant us to a lot of things we use the Tree concept in our daily live and the uses of Tree is very useful in science computer. A Tree is a set of line segment with all of the elements is connected whether left or right. We specified it into binary tree which is the concept of single parent (root or parent nodes) with at least 1 child (child nodes). Further study on binary tree is a full binary tree which meant that every root must have two nodes located left and right of the root. The entire tree is a bipartite graph. The connection point is called fork and the segment is called branches. That is a little bit about tree and we will learn more in next pages. Tree had become useful in our daily life. We can connect each data that we have to solve mathematic problems. We also had done a research on the application of binary tree in our daily life and their uses in science computer to develop well us as science computer student. Binary Tree Full Binary Tree TYPES OF BINARY TREE There are several types of binary tree. Two of them are stated as previous page and here are other types of binary tree: A rooted binary tree is a tree with a root node in which every node has at most two children. A full binary tree (sometimes called as proper binary tree or 2-tree or strictly binary tree) is a tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children. A perfect binary tree is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth or same level. (This is ambiguously also called a complete binary tree.) A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible. An infinite complete binary tree is a tree with levels, where for each level d the number of existing nodes at level d is equal to 2d. The cardinal number of the set of all nodes is. The cardinal number of the set of all paths is. The infinite complete binary tree essentially describes the structure of the Cantor set; the unit interval on the real line (of cardinality) is the continuous image of the Cantor set; this tree is sometimes called the Cantor space. A balanced binary tree is where the depth of all the leaves differs by at most 1. Balanced trees have a predictable depth (how many nodes are traversed from the root to a leaf, root counting as node 0 and subsequent as 1, 2, , depth). This depth is equal to the integer part of log2 (n) where n is the number of nodes on the balanced tree. Example 1: balanced tree with 1 node, log2 (1) = 0 (depth = 0). Example 2: balanced tree with 3 nodes, log2 (3) = 1.59 (depth=1). Example 3: balanced tree with 5 nodes, log2 (5) = 2.32 (depth of tree is 2 nodes). A rooted complete binary tree can be identified with a free magma. A degenerate tree is a tree where for each parent node, there is only one associated child node. This means that in a performance measurement, the tree will behave like a linked list data structure. PROPERTIES OF BINARY TREE After we had study the types of binary tree, now we need to study the properties for each types of binary tree. Perfect binary tree required this formula to find the number of nodes that is n = 2h + 1 à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ 1 where h is the height of the tree and this formula n = 2L à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ 1 where L is the number of leaf nodes in the tree. Nodes in Complete binary tree have a different formula that is minimum: n = 2h and maximum: n = 2h + 1 1 where h is the height of the tree. The number of NULL LINK is (n+1) and the leaf nodes in Complete binary tree is (n / 2). Non-empty binary tree have different formula n0 leaf nodes and n2 nodes of degree 2, n0 = n2 + 1. Thus n = n0 + n1 + n2 + n4 + n3 + n5 +. + nB-1 + nB and to find B is, B = n 1, n = 1 + 1*n1 + 2*n2 + 3*n3 + 4*n4 + + B*nB, NOT include n0. TRAVERSAL If one dimensional array was compared with data structures like link list, which have an official method of traversal, tree structures can be traversed in many ways. There three main steps that can be shown and the order of the binary tree. First of all is to perform defines the traversal type, next is to traversing to the left child node follow by right child node. This is the easiest method to describe a binary tree through recursion METHODS FIND TRAVERSAL IN BINARY TREES There are several common orders in which nodes can be visited with their own advantages. Here a three main order in binary trees: In-order: Left child, Root, Right child Post-order: Left child, Right child, Root Pre-order: Root, Left child, Right child In-order, Pre-order and Post-order traversal visit each node in a tree by recursively visiting each node in the left and the right subtrees of the root. If the root node visited before its subtrees, this is pre-order, if after so it is post-order and if in between this is in-order. Depth-First Traversal This is one of the concepts to find the traversal of the tree. We always attempt to visit the node farthest from the root we attempt to forget too but, through depth first we does not need to remember all the nodes we have visited. In Pre-order we should go through the root first then followed by left subtree and right subtree. But in In-order we will visit the left subtree first then we visit the root followed by right subtree. Lastly Post-order we start with subtree from the left followed with right then we will visit the root. Breadth-first Traversal Breadth-first traversal is which is opposite with depth-first traversal attempts to the closest nodes to the root. With this method a tree can traversed in level order, by going through from root to the lowest children. Example of Breadth-first traversal Preorder traversal sequence: F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H (root, left, right) Inorder traversal sequence: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I (left, root, right) Postorder traversal sequence: A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, F (left, right, root) BINARY TREE APPLIED IN SCIENCE COMPUTER In computer science, binary tree can be applied such as in java, c/c++ programming, data structure and algorithms. In java, implementation is same in c/c++ programming, solution java is copying the solution in c/c++ and making the syntactic language. Almost every operation have two methods, a one-line method on the binary tree that starts the computation, and a recursive method that works on the node objects. For the lookup() operation, there is a binarytree.lookup() method that the client uses to start a lookup operation. Internal to the binarytree class, there is a private recursive lookup (node) method that implements the recursion down the node structure. This second, private recursive method is basically the same as the recursive C/C++ functions. In binary tree for data structure, a linked list structure is not efficient when searching for a specific item as the node can only be accessed sequentially. The binary search algorithm suggests a data structure which can be implemented using dynamic storage and allows searching to be done efficiently. EXAMPLE IN JAVA // public class BinaryTree { // Root node pointer. Will be null for an empty tree. private Node root; /* Node The binary tree is built using this nested node class. Each node stores one data element, and has left and right sub-tree pointer which may be null. The node is a dumb nested class we just use it for storage; it does not have any methods. */ private static class Node { Node left; Node right; int data; Node(int newData) { left = null; right = null; data = newData; } } /** Creates an empty binary tree a null root pointer. */ public void BinaryTree() { root = null; } /** Returns true if the given target is in the binary tree. Uses a recursive helper. */ public boolean lookup(int data) { return(lookup(root, data)); } /** Recursive lookup given a node, recur down searching for the given data. */ private boolean lookup(Node node, int data) { if (node==null) { return(false); } if ( { return(true); } else if (data return(lookup(node.left, data)); } else { return(lookup(node.right, data)); } } /** Inserts the given data into the binary tree. Uses a recursive helper. */ public void insert(int data) { root = insert(root, data); } /** Recursive insert given a node pointer, recur down and insert the given data into the tree. Returns the new node pointer (the standard way to communicate a changed pointer back to the caller). */ private Node insert(Node node, int data) { if (node==null) { node = new Node(data); } else { if (data node.left = insert(node.left, data); } else { node.right = insert(node.right, data); } } return(node); // in any case, return the new pointer to the caller } BINARY TREE APPLIED IN DAILY LIFE Binary tree can be applied in our life. This can be shown in competition schedule in sports, family flows, organizations and others. The tree showed the flows of an organization so we can know who or how an organization is flowed. Besides that, we can know the header in an organization, our relation in a family or our competitor in a sport. Others, we can position in an organization so that we not mistake or just estimate someone position in an organization. We also can deal with someone based on the position in an organization and can save our time for dealings. EXAMPLE CONCLUSION We can conclude that binary tree a lot of usage in our life. The binary tree is applied not just in daily life but in computer system. This is because the usages of binary tree easy for the programmer to make a system. Other than that, the application of binary tree can be found in the computer science. In addition, we are pleased to see the chart and reduce errors during the program or enter into an agreement with an officer in an organization. Using the tree, we will know a persons position in an organization or in sports.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Character Analysis of Daisy Miller :: Daisy Miller, Henry James
In Daisy Miller, Henry James slowly reveals the nature of Daisy"s character through her interactions with other characters, especially Winterbourne, the main character." The author uses third person narration; however, Winterbourne"s thoughts and point of view dominate." Thus, the audience knows no more about Daisy than Winterbourne." This technique helps maintain the ambiguity of Daisy"s character and draws the audience into the story. At first glimpse, Daisy is portrayed as a "pretty American flirt" whose innocence Winterbourne is unsure of, and yet he says he was "almost grateful for having found the formula that applied to Miss Daisy Miller" (James 1563)." Like many people do in first impressions, Winterbourne feels the need to label Daisy right away." In the beginning, the stereotype seems to fit." Daisy is young, unsophisticated, chatty, and brags about all the society, especially gentlemen"s society she had in New York (1562)." She enjoys teasing and getting reactions out of people just for the sake of it." For example, the second time she and Winterbourne meet, late one evening in the garden, she asks him if he wants to take her out in a boat on the lake." Of course, her mother and the courier protest while Daisy laughs and declares, "That"s all I want " a little fuss!"She had no intention of going; she just wanted to get a rise out of someone." Bidding good-night to Winterbourne, she says, "I hope you"re di sappointed, disgusted, or something!" (1572)." She is being flirtatious, but this kind of teasing is also just part of her sense of humor. Daisy Miller may be uneducated, as Winterbourne and his aunt describe her, but she is witty." One illustration of her humor takes place at Mrs. Walker"s party when Winterbourne is criticizing her for her relations with Giovanelli." He says they don"t "understand that sort of thing here"not in young married women."Daisy cries, "I thought they understood nothing else!" and goes on to say, "It seems to me more proper in young unmarried than in old married ones."Daisy typically speaks and behaves frankly, almost in a child-like fashion, but this shows, as the narrator describes it, a "startling worldly knowledge" (1587)." Daisy is somewhat rustic but smart." She has a "natural elegance" and a mixture of" "innocence and crudity," and yet, as seen in her response, her character proves to go beyond the boundaries of this character type of the natural beauty (1564 and 1574).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 6
After returning from the walk, I found myself being sewn into a brand-new suit while Mrs. Sutherland instructed the tailor on where to pin and prod me. I knew I had to leave, but I also couldn't tear myself away from Mrs. Sutherland quite yet. We spent the entire afternoon chatting about my mother and her French relatives, along with my wish to one day travel to Italy to see the Sistine Chapel. Before I knew it, the tailor had made his final stitch, and night had arrived. Even I had to admit that my suit was fantastic. I looked like an urbane prince of industry in my pleated white shirtfront, silk top hat, and cravat. Winfield loaned me one of his pocket watches on a fob covered with a tasteful number of gold charms and gems, and I wore matching gold studs. I looked the very picture of humanity and was ashamed to be enjoying the part so thoroughly. Bridget simpered when I offered her a hand getting up into the carriage. Her skirts were full and cumbersome, an apricot version of the white gown she wore just the night before. Cream-colored silk netting floated over everything, giving her a look somewhere between a dancer in a European painting and a giant pastry. She giggled and tripped and pretended to fall, throwing an arm around my neck. â€Å"Save me again, kind sir,†she laughed, and I reminded myself that I had only to entertain her for another couple hours. Then, no matter the affection I felt for Mrs. Sutherland, I vowed I would make good on my promise to leave the family to their lives, disappearing into the crowd of the dance and returning to my home in the park. After a short ride, we approached another mansion of considerable size. It was solid stone, like a castle, but filled with windows. I helped Bridget from the coach and we took our places in the receiving line. In my human life I had been to many dances, yet I was not prepared for a New York City ball. There was someone to take my coat and hat – and because this wasn't Mystic Falls, where everyone of renown knew one another, I was given a ticket with a number on it to retrieve my things at the end of the evening. We approached the ballroom through a seemingly endless hallway of silver mirrors lit with candles and chandeliers, sparkling as I imagined it must have been like in Versailles. A thousand silvered reflections of Bridget and myself filled the space behind the glass. A full orchestra of violins, cellos, horns, and flutes played in the corner, the musicians dressed in black suits. The room was filled, wall-to-wall, with dancers in the most amazing array of dress I had ever seen. The young women lifted delicate gloved hands with sparkling diamond bracelets, then twirled in gowns that ranged in color from bloodred to dusty gold. Gauzy skirts swished in time with the high-paced mazurka the orchestra played, netting, tulle, lace, and the finest silk petticoats floating like petals strewn across a lake. If my eyes were dazzled by the sight of the dancers, the scents of the room almost overpowered the rest of my senses: expensive perfumes, huge vases of exotic flowers, sweat, and punch, and somewhere someone was bleeding from a pin left in her dress by a careless maid. â€Å"You're supposed to fetch your lady a dance card,†Lydia murmured into my ear as I stood there, stunned by the opulent and overwhelming scene before me. â€Å"Is that . . . is that Adelina Patti?†I stuttered, pointing at a demure-looking woman standing in the corner and surrounded by admirers. â€Å"The opera singer?†I had seen photographs of her. My father had wanted his sons to have working knowledge of their Italian culture and heritage. â€Å"Yes,†Bridget said, rolling her eyes and stamping a pretty, satin-covered foot. â€Å"And over there is Mayor Gunther, and over there is John D. Rockefeller, and . . . can you take me to my seat now? I want to see who asks me to dance.†Lydia let out a polite cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. â€Å"In the South,†I whispered to her out of the corner of my mouth, â€Å"it's considered impolite to dance with your escort overmuch.†Lydia put a gloved hand to her own mouth, covering her smile. â€Å"I've heard that they still actually dance the quadrille in the South and have no parlor games at their functions. Good luck, Mr. Salvatore.†And she glided off into the crowd. Margaret gave me a tiny smirk. She was on the arm of her husband, Wally, a short fellow with a pince-nez and a serious bent. But when she whispered to him, a smile broke out and he was radiant. I felt an odd jab of jealousy. I would never know what that was like, the simple rituals of a close-knit couple. The orchestra struck up a waltz. Bridget stuck out her lower lip. â€Å"And me without a dance card yet.†â€Å"My lady,†I said, inwardly sighing. I gave her a slight bow and offered her my hand. Bridget was a fine dancer and it was almost pleasurable twirling her across the floor. I could forget where and who I was for the few minutes of the waltz: just a man in a tailcoat, feet flying, in a room full of beautiful people. She turned her leaf-green eyes up to me, and for one beautiful moment I could pretend she was Callie, alive and well and getting the happy ending she so desperately deserved. The illusion came to an end the moment the music stopped. â€Å"Lead me by the edge of the dancers,†Bridget begged. â€Å"I want everyone to see us!†She dragged me past the refreshment room, where all manner of exotic food was laid out. Delicate ices made from foreign fruit, real Vienna coffee, blancmange, tiny chocolate cakes, and glass upon crystal glass of champagne to wash it down. For the hungrier set there seemed to be every kind of fowl, from quail to goose, neatly carved into small pieces so a dancer could eat quickly and return to the floor. Once again I wished I was hungry for normal human food. But instead I indulged in a glass of champagne. â€Å"Hilda, Hilda,†Bridget called out in a voice that carried well considering how crowded the space was. A beautiful girl in a rose-pink gown turned from her gentleman friend, face lighting up when she saw Bridget. Her eyes traveled up and down me with a quick flick of her eyelashes. â€Å"This is Stefan Salvatore,†Bridget said. â€Å"He is the one who rescued me!†â€Å"Mademoiselle,†I said with a slight bow, taking her fingertips and bringing them to my lips. Bridget gave me a look that was somewhere between jealousy and pleasure that I was so polite. â€Å"Brooklyn Bridgey! Who's your friend?†A dapper young man with a twinkle in his eye and giant grin sidled up to us. He had a sharp nose and curly black hair; rosy dots appeared on his cheeks that made him look vaguely tubercular. â€Å"This is Stefan Salvatore,†Bridget told him, exactly as proudly and carefully as she had with Hilda. â€Å"He rescued me when I was overcome in the park!†â€Å"Pleasure to meet you! Abraham Smith. You can call me Bram.†He grabbed my hand and shook it hard. â€Å"That was terribly naughty of you, leaving the party unescorted like that, Bridgey.†Bram shook a finger at her and she pouted. â€Å"Brooklyn Bridgey?†I asked, my head spinning a little. â€Å"Why, the Brooklyn Bridge is only going to be the biggest, most fantastic suspension bridge ever built!†Bram said, eyes lighting up. â€Å"No more ferries, no sir. We'll drive ourselves back and forth across the mighty East River!†â€Å"Oh look!†Bridget squealed, pointing in a very unladylike manner. â€Å"There's Lydia and her beau! Let's go talk to them!†I gave Hilda and Bram a helpless salute good-bye as Bridget directed me toward her sister with an iron grip. The Italian count was surrounded by admirers, including Lydia. I caught glimpses of him as we walked closer. His raven hair gleamed, and his black formal suit fit him perfectly. He moved with a careless grace waving his arms as he told his story. The glint of a ring shimmered on his hand. The truth hit me only moments before he turned, as if he'd been expecting my arrival. I did my best to hide my shock when I looked into my brother's ice-blue eyes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Miss: 21st Century and Young People
Fashion is becoming more and more important to young people. However, some argue that this has negative impact on young people and on society. Do you agree or disagree?In the 21st century, It is difficult to ignore the immense popularity of fashion, which could be found anywhere and everywhere, on the street, television, internet and magazines. Its influence have extended to younger consumers. However, some argue that this trend has an adverse effect on youngsters and even the whole society. Personally, I agree with this view to some extent.Having appealing appearance help youngsters to express their individuality and build their confidence. Firstly, fashion is a form of art, which changes constantly and requires creativity. It inspires these young people to express their personality and taste in a unique way. Without fashion, they miss a sound opportunity of expressing themselves. Secondly, by wearing trendy clothing the way they like, youngsters may feel comfortable and pleasure; m eanwhile, they are more likely to become attractive. As a result, their confidence level could be boosted.This trend also benefits the whole society, namely, creating more job opportunities. Youngsters love for fashion, which is an integral part of their lives, produces numerous new job opportunities, related to fashion industry. For instance, a fashion magazine , called Seventeen, is published for young girls who love to keep up with the latest trend. This is helpful to relieve employment pressure, which is extremely severe in the economic recession.Despite of this, it is undeniable that this trend may distract teenagers from study and generates the social problem of fashion bullying. Firstly, if teenagers involves themselves too much with fashion, they may find it difficult to concentrate on study because there is insufficient time for study. This is especially true for those student who are not good at time management. Secondly, youngsters may judge their friends based on their c lothing, jewelry and hair style. Those students who look unfashionable may be isolated or even bullied. This damages their psychological development.In conclusion, it is advantageous for youngsters to follow fashion; however, the disadvantages should not be ignored. The school and parents should guide young adult to view fashion in a appropriate way.
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