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Sat Essay Analysis Samples
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Theater of war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Battlefield - Essay Example Today, there is war in nations like Iraq and Afghanistan. A great deal of American warriors are continually being sent in this combat areas. At the point when you consider the groups of these troopers, they are restlessly trusting that their kids will return (Buruma 6). Wars have consistently come about to death and distress in families and leave numerous individuals stress. In the film, we see the mother concerned about her child who has done battle. It is an extremely moving since each mother comprehends the benefit of having a child. Wars have consistently been set up and come about to such a large number of calamities as honest individuals bite the dust. Corresponding to the film, the mother referenced in the book is a portrayal of affection. Moms are normally beautiful and calming to their kids and consistently need beneficial things. In the film, moms are compared to genuine moms throughout everyday life. Throughout everyday life, most moms are mindful and love seeing beneficia l things happening to their families. My mom for instance can be compared to the mother in the story since she is adoring and minding to me. At whatever point any individual in the family becomes ill or engages in a mishap, she is constantly concerned (Buruma 6). From the star of time, moms have consistently thought about the youthful ones. Warriors in this film are communicated as inhumane on doing a portion of their obligations. Living during circumstances such as the present, such can be corresponded to mass killings did by specific pioneers. A genuine model could be Muamar Gaddafi, ex-leader of Libya, who in the wake of being removed from power, revolted broadly and came about to mass homicide of individuals. The storyline delineates merciless individuals to be existent in the war territory, however such individuals despite everything exist in these current occasions. I might likewise want to prescribe this film to be seen at our neighborhood theater since it has a decent messag e to the watchers. To me, I figure it would be an eye opener to the individuals concerning the truth of wars. Moreover, certain ethics could be gained from them film and even acquired by others (Buruma 6). The film can be seen by all gatherings of individuals since it doesn't contain express subtleties. The English of the storyteller is acceptable and utilizes great portrayal aptitudes of the occasions guaranteeing that the narrative is seen unmistakably. Besides, by it being played in the nearby theater, it would empower network attachment. I might want this play to be seen by our locale since I trust it is advantageous and moving as reality with regards to wars is divulged. Also, various characters express attributes of individuals in the general public and a few people may gain from it. From my own point of view, the film is acceptable and ought to be viewed by however much individuals as could be expected since they will have the option to find out about the shades of malice of war and attempt never to enjoy it (Buruma 6). War like individuals in the network could gain proficiency with the repercussions of war and quiet down. What's more, the film would assist with fortifying familial ties since individuals would welcome the significance of family in the midst of emergency. Furthermore, a great deal of grisly scenes which the author discusses are not indicated subsequently turning into a decent film for all ages to see. Besides, the network individuals would be intrigued by survey the film as it has great lessons. In synopsis, this film is a decent narrative film on wars and an extraordinary eye opener on main problems that happen and encompass wars. Numerous life exercises are additionally gained from the film as
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Toni Morissons The Bluest Eye
Toni Morisson's tale The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who live in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was conceived). This family comprises of the mother Pauline, the dad Cholly, the child Sammy, and the girl Pecola. The epic's point of convergence is the little girl, an eleven-year-old Black young lady who is attempting to overcome a session with self-loathing. Regular she experiences prejudice, from the White individuals, yet for the most part from her own race. In their eyes she is excessively dull, and the obscurity of her skin by one way or another shows that she is substandard, and as per every other person, her skin makes her considerably uglier. She believe she can conquer this skirmish of self-loathing by getting blue eyes, yet an extraordinary blue. She needs the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is a blameless young lady who, as extremely other small kid, didn't request to be conceived in this remorseless world. It is awful enough that for all intents and purposes the entire world rejects her, however her own folks are blameworthy of dismissal too. Her own dad, who is continually flushed, explicitly attacks his girl more than once. The first occasion when he has sex with his girl, he leaves her somewhat oblivious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a blame covering her delicate, limp, preteen body. Whenever he plays out a similar demonstration, yet this time he impregnates her. Obviously, the infant is lost. This is clearly not an adoration a dad ought to be imparting to a little girl. This demonstration shows scorn in the most noticeably awful manner. Her mom's dismissal is inconspicuous yet strong. When Pecola discloses to her mom about the attack, Mrs. Breedlove doesn't trust her own fragile living creature and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove as opposed to calling her mom. Permitting this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unknowingly she doesn't recognize Pecola as her little girl, and Pecola doesn't affirm Pauline as her mom. Separation is very apparent in this alleged mother-girl re... Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Free Essays on Toni Morisson's The Bluest Eye Toni Morisson's tale The Bluest Eye is about the life of the Breedlove family who live in Lorain, Ohio, in the late 1930s (where Morrison herself was conceived). This family comprises of the mother Pauline, the dad Cholly, the child Sammy, and the girl Pecola. The tale's point of convergence is the little girl, an eleven-year-old Black young lady who is attempting to overcome a session with self-loathing. Regular she experiences prejudice, from the White individuals, yet generally from her own race. In their eyes she is excessively dim, and the dimness of her skin by one way or another shows that she is second rate, and as indicated by every other person, her skin makes her much uglier. She believe she can conquer this clash of self-loathing by acquiring blue eyes, yet an extraordinary blue. She needs the bluest of the blue, the bluest eye. Pecola Breedlove is a blameless young lady who, as exceptionally other little youngster, didn't request to be conceived in this savage world. It is terrible enough that for all intents and purposes the entire world rejects her, however her own folks are liable of dismissal also. Her own dad, who is continually tanked, explicitly attacks his girl more than once. The first occasion when he has sex with his little girl, he leaves her marginally oblivious, and lying on the kitchen floor with a blame covering her delicate, limp, preteen body. Whenever he plays out a similar demonstration, yet this time he impregnates her. Obviously, the child is lost. This is clearly not an adoration a dad ought to be offering to a little girl. This demonstration shows disdain in the most noticeably awful manner. Her mom's dismissal is unobtrusive yet intense. When Pecola reveals to her mom about the attack, Mrs. Breedlove doesn't trust her own fragile living creature and blood. Pecola calls Pauline Mrs. Breedlove as opposed to calling her mom. Permitting this, Mrs. Breedlove shows that unwittingly she doesn't recognize Pecola as her girl, and Pecola doesn't declare Pauline as her mom. Separation is very apparent in this supposed mother-girl re...
Monday, August 10, 2020
Managing Panic Attacks While Flying
Managing Panic Attacks While Flying Panic Disorder Coping Print Managing Panic Attacks While Flying Tips for Getting Through Your Next Flight By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 17, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on November 17, 2019 Westend61 / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Schedule With Your Doctor Have Medication On Hand Visualize a Smooth Fight Be Prepared Find Healthy Distractions Take a Fearless Flying Class Seek Support Think Realistic Thoughts Plan Ahead View All Back To Top Whether caused by a fear of flying or by a different mental health condition, many people experience panic attacks while traveling by airplane. These attacks can be challenging enough to manage while on the ground but may seem even more difficult when you are on a flight. Don’t let panic attacks put an end to your travel plans. Here are some tips for managing panic attacks while traveling. Schedule Early With Your Doctor If you want to try a medication for panic attacks, you will need to get in to see your doctor well in advance of your next flight.?? Many physicians are booked in advance and may not be able to see you on short notice. Additionally, your doctor may want you to try a medication before a flight to determine how you react to it, so again it is better to get in early. Have Your Medication On Hand Anti-anxiety medications can provide you with quick relief from panic attack symptoms, providing you with a tranquilizing effect that can minimize the physical and mental associations of feeling fearful while flying.?? It may seem obvious, but you will want to make sure that your medication is with you in your carry-on instead of in your checked luggage. Be certain that your prescription is up-to-date, including your name, prescribing doctor, and prescription number. If you only use this medication when you occasionally fly, you will want to be certain that it is not expired, and that you have the appropriate amount for your round trip. Visualize a Smooth Fight During the weeks leading up to your flight, use the visualization technique to envision a smooth flight. Put aside some time each day to work on this strategy. Begin by getting into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Use your imagination to see yourself going to the airport. Imagine getting onto the plane, feeling calm and relaxed about your flight. Take in all your senses, noticing how the plane sounds as it takes off, seeing the clouds in the skies, and feeling steady as you remain in your seat. Breathe deeply as you continue to visualize your flight. When you are ready to come out of your visualization, remind yourself how calm you feel, and then slowly open your eyes. If practiced regularly before your next flight, you may feel less anxious about traveling on an airplane.?? Be Prepared With Relaxation Techniques To stay calm during your next flight, be prepared by having regularly practiced some relaxation techniques. Exercises that you can practice beforehand may include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), and meditation.?? These strategies may help you let go of anxiety and remain more tranquil throughout your next flight. Find Healthy Distractions There are many things you can do to help keep your mind off your fear of flying. For your next flight, be prepared by having a list of things that you can refocus your thoughts on. To feel less anxious, you can bring along books and magazines, crosswords or other types of games that will keep you occupied, or your favorite snacks to enjoy throughout the flight. A few simple movements can help you release tension that has built up in your body due to feelings of anxiety.?? When permitted, try getting up every so often to do a few little stretches. You can even get up and walk the aisle a few times to allow your body to stretch. Many nervous flyers find that the loud noises of the plane often trigger anxious thoughts. You may find it helpful to bring along earplugs to reduce these sounds. You can also bring headphones and listen to your favorite music or a relaxation guide to help you feel calmer. How to Distract Yourself From Panic Disorder Take a Fearless Flying Class More frequent fliers or those seeking long-term assistance for their fear of flying may want to consider taking a class or online course that addresses this issue. These classes help in skill development along with cognitive-behavioral interventions that assist in changing ones fearful thoughts and behaviors.?? Along the same lines, you may also want to consider getting personal therapy by a specialist who can assist in developing ways to manage this fear. Seek Support on the Plane Let your fellow travelers know that you feel nervous about flying. Sometimes just opening up about your fears can calm your nerves and make you feel less worried about how others will react if you do have a panic attack. You may also want to let flight attendants know about your concerns. Pilots and flight attendants understand that many people fear flying and often strive to provide a great experience. Think Realistic Thoughts Panic attack sufferers are often susceptible to experiencing faulty or negative thinking that can contribute to their symptoms and fears.?? Even if you feel fearful while traveling by plane, try to remind yourself that thousands of flights are traveling safely. Reassure yourself that you too will make it to your destination safely. Tell yourself that if a panic attack does occur, you will be able to manage it. Also remind yourself that the physical sensations you experience only signify that you feel anxious, but are not an indication that you are in any actual danger. Plan Ahead The best way to deal with panic attacks on your next flight is to come prepared with a plan.?? Taking steps early on and planning ahead of time will help you have a better experience on your next flight. Be certain that you are scheduled to see your doctor, have been practicing your relaxation skills, and are prepared to bring along anything that can comfort you throughout the flight. Hopefully, with some work and preparation, you will be able to more easily manage your panic attacks while flying. Overcoming the Fear of Flying
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Benjamin Franklin The Greatest Influencer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1491 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/06/14 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Benjamin Franklin Essay Did you like this example? Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing (Quotes). This is one of Benjamin Franklins most famous quotes of all time. Many reasons why he has so many quotes is because of so many that people looked up to him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Benjamin Franklin: The Greatest Influencer" essay for you Create order He had countless amounts of impacts on the early development of the United States but he didnt just stop there, he had significant inventions that changed the world. For these reasons Benjamin Franklin is one of the most influential people during his time period with his inventions, writings, and especially his impacts on early developments of the United States of America. Benjamin Franklin was a huge impact on the United States and helped frame it to what it is today. He was born in 1706 and died in 1790 (Biography). He lived a very filling life from being an author, publisher, and statesman but in early life he had limited formal education. Even with this limited education he realized that the American people needed to have knowledge on what is going on in their new country to be. At his young age he began to kickoff a printing business. It produced a wide range of documents including government pamphlets, currency, and books. This business became very rewarding in Philadelphia and from this was one of the ways he grew very wealthy (History). Benjamin Franklin went ahead in December of 1732, to initially distribute his celebrated Poor Richards Almanac. This almanac held numerous expressions instituted in it. Some have turned out to be extremely regular statements utilized prominently today in age. An extremely normal statement in the chronicle is A penny saved is twopence dear. He distributed this consistently for 25 years. Doing this gave Franklin financial accomplishment alongside incredible riches. This extraordinary riches originated from the book moving 10,000 copies for each year (Anirudh). With this new wealth Benjamin became intensely operative in social affairs in the metropolis of Philadelphia. He was a major contributor in the start up of the library, hospital and a college that opened in 1751. This college became known as the University of Pennsylvania in 1791. He even assisted in the citys first fire company, a police patrol and the American Philosophical Society. This group was devoted to the sciences and other scholarly pursuits. With all this he wasnt done. He then went on to push a program to pave and light city streets (History). In 1737 Franklin was a key figure in the colonial postal framework. The British delegated him postmaster of Philadelphia, and he at that point proceeded to end up joint postmaster general for all the American provinces. What he did in this job was he initiated different measures to enhance mail administrations. From his significant commitment to the postal framework, he was included. The first U.S. postage stamps, issued on July 1, 1847, had images of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington (History). The Second Continental Congress was the governing body of America at this time. Franklin returned to Philadelphia in May 1775, shortly after the Revolutionary War (1775-83) had begun, and was selected to serve as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress (History). He then helped in the groundwork of the Articles of Confederation with his Albany Plan. The Articles of Confederation became the first constitution of the United States when it was ratified in 1781. He was a member of the 5 member committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. This document declared their freedom from the British for the 13 colonies (History). That equivalent year, Franklin made a tremendous move that drove Americas chances of winning the war up radically. He was sent by congress to France to persuade them to help in the war against the english. With his capacity, the French marked a military partnership with America. The French gave America their officers, supplies, and cash (History). This move by Franklin was held extremely critical to Americas triumph over the english. Franklin had many other discoveries that were not as impactful as the ones talked about above. One of these is of him discovering the Gulf Stream from a trip across the water. He began to speculate about why the westbound trip always took longer, and his measurements of ocean temperatures led to his discovery of the existence of the Gulf Stream (Biography). With this new discovery for Franklin, it had great impact on the travel time. Two weeks were taken away from the long trips to America (Biography). Mr. Franklin had many inventions that completely changed the world and even contributed in saving lives with these great inventions. The Lightning Rod was one of the greats that saved countless lives. Franklin is known for his experiments with electricity (most notably the kite experiment), a fascination that began in earnest after he accidentally shocked himself in 1746 (Inventions). 3 years later, he then was working on ways to protecting people that were in buildings. He realized that if the building was struck by lightning, then the people inside could be harmed greatly. After many tests, he realized that a keen iron needle transmitted power off a charged metallic sphere. The Lightning Rod was proven successful and was then on top of buildings all through America (Inventions). His next invention that completely changed the world was of one he even needed drastically. Benjamin realized that when his age became greater, his eyes became very blurry. he grew both near-sighted and far-sighted (Inventions). At this time period, glasses were invented but if you are both near-sighted and far-sighted, you would have to switch between two pairs of glasses and travel with two pairs of glasses, which would very well be an inconvenience and just plain out irritating. He then went on to be the first person to invent glasses that work for both near-sighted and far-sighted people. These glasses were called double spectacles or other known as bifocals nowadays. The way he did this was he took both pairs of his glasses, one for close up and one for far away, and cut them in half! He then put the two together to create just one pair of glasses. The top half of the lens were for seeing far away and the bottom half was for seeing close up (Invention). A considerably smaller impactful invention that Franklin made were called the Swim Fins. At a young age of eleven, Benjamin was an enthusiastic swimmer. two oval pieces of wood that, when grasped in the hands, provided extra thrust through the water (Invention). He wrote all about his childhood creation he discovered at eleven years old in an essay. This essay was titled, On the Art of Swimming (Invention). Franklin, again, lived in Philadelphia where winters could get drastically frigid. It could be that he was tired of these freezing winters so he innovated an improved way of warming up rooms in building and houses. The name that he gave this creation was called the Franklin Stove. This Franklin Stove was originated to stay just a couple inches from the smokestack that were in buildings and houses. It was a metal-lined fireplace. A hollow baffle at the rear let heat from the fire mix with the air more quickly, and an inverted siphon helped to extract more heat (Invention). His invention also had another advantageous aspect to it. It manufactured a reduced amount of fumes in the air (Invention). As you have noticed, Benjamin Franklin usually gets his ideas for inventions from other people needing more effective tools and instruments. In seventeen fifty-two, he was brought to the attention that his brother was struck with a serious problem of a kidney (or bladder) issue. Benjamin saw what his stone-sticken brother had to bear and quickly got to work. At this time a Urinary Catheter was a very uncomplicated, stiff and hard metal tubes, obviously very troublesome. So Benjamin thought up a better kind of Urinary Catheter that would seem much more bearable. It was created out of stretchy hinged segments of tubes. He gave his instructions to a silversmith and the silversmith produced his design. Benjamin then sent his new and improved Urinary Catheter to his sibling with directions on how to correctly use it and his best wishes (Invention). Out of all the extravagant things Franklin had created from his mind, he had his all time favorite. Of all my inventions, the glass armonica has given me the greatest personal satisfaction (Inventions). This is what Franklin said about his instrument that made beautiful music in the mid seventeen hundreds. The armonica was originated from the Italian word for harmony. He was inspired to invent the armonica by British musicians. These British musicians produced vibrations from their fingers going around the top of a glass full of water. Franklin quickly learned how to work a glass blower to update the sound of the vibrations coming from the cup. Sadly after 60 years of the armonica being the favored instrument, it nearly dropped off the face of the earth and was out of mind (Invention).
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Why Is the “Era of Goof Feelings†a Misnomer Essay
The period of James Monroe’s presidency has gained the term used worldwide as the â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†. It was adopted by this name because of Monroe’s action in visiting the U.S military basis and because of the spirit of nationalism and optimism gained by the people from the War of 1812. Foreign affairs exemplifies why this name is partly fact. However, the perception of unity that this era defines is somewhat misleading. Throughout this period, there were various problems that contradicted the era’s name. Some of the serious issues that divided the nation were economic depression and sectionalism. The first major fracture in â€Å"Era of Good Feelings†was an economic panic and depression that is frequently known as â€Å"The Panic of 1819†.†¦show more content†¦This amendment is known as the Tallmadge Amendment. This bill stated that no slaves could be brought into the state of Missouri and slaves born there would be freed at the age of 25. Southerners were bothered by this suggested law because they felt that it would threaten the sectional balance we had in our country and that Congress would attempt to abolish slavery in southern states. As a solution to this growing dilemma, Henry Clay proposed the Missouri compromise in 1820. This compromise, commonly known as â€Å"The Great Compromise†, stated three important things. One being that Missouri was to be admitted as a slaveholding state. Second, Maine was to be admitted as a free state, in order to keep the balance. Third, in the rest of the Louisiana territory north of latitude 36 º 30 , slavery was prohibited. Although this compromise was accepted by both sides of the country, it upset many Northerners, thus increasing growing sectionalism in our nation. Nevertheless, the â€Å"Era of Good feelings†was badly damaged by Americans’ torn feelings of sectional controversy over Missouri (North vs. South). The â€Å"Era of Go od Feelings†can also be exemplified with positive results. Our country’s Foreign affairs grew increasingly better during this time period. After the War of 1812, the United States adopted a more aggressive nationalistic approach in its relations with other nations. Americans were now proud to call themselves
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music Theory Free Essays
Composed 1788 O Viridissima Virga by Hildegard von Bingen One of the most famous pieces during the medieval period was â€Å"O Viridissima Virga†, which was composed by Hildegard von Bingen during ca 1140 – 1179. The purpose of this heavenly chant was to give praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary and hymns were the form of this Christian chant. However, the form of O viridissima virga did not fit the traditional hymn pattern. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Instead of having a regular number of lines and syllables per line, none had a regular number of lines per stanza or syllables per line. In spite of this, the chant was apparently strophic with successive verses all beginning with melodic phrases. In all, the form of O Viridissima Virga was relatively vague compared to other hymns of the times. The piece consisted of only one melody, performed by male voices in sync without any instrumental sounds. In addition, the tone of the piece was modal with tonic pitch of G and the third above it. Since the dynamics of the piece maintained from mezzo piano to mezzo forte without sudden or drastic dynamics changes, the piece flowed smoothly creating a great pleasure to the listeners.I enjoyed the smoothness of the piece and the descending scalar passages greatly adopted throughout the music. However, I did not appreciate much of the free style of the stanzas and the short breaks between each stanza. Non Avra Ma’Pieta Questa Mia Donna by Francesco Landini Non Avra Ma’Pieta Questa Mia Donna was one of the well-known pieces created by Italian composer Francesco Landini during ca. 1335 – 1397. Departing from the simple form of homophony in the early medieval period, Non Avra Ma’Pieta Questa Mia Donna was a 3-part ballate with a solo female voice and two accompanying male voices forming a polyphonic rhythm.Each voice was independent yet formed a great harmony throughout the piece. There was no instrumental element in the piece but the mixture of upscale and downscale progressions of the different voices enhanced the fullness of the music compared to ones in the early medieval period. The form of the piece was more definite than the earlier works and there was a clear indication of strophic verses, which is the last stanzas repeating the beginning stanzas. However, the performing style was still indefinite during that period, which gave much power to perfo rmers on how to interpret the music. The purpose of this piece was to express the sorrow of love instead of the heavenly praise of Christianity in the earlier periods. The suave harmony had a quite fast tempo and the tempo remained largo throughout the piece. Also, there were small breaks between stanzas occasionally, much less in frequency and in length compared to the previous piece. The swift tempo and the steady dynamics, which was maintained at mezzo forte for the most parts of the piece, constructed a smooth feeling to the listeners. Concerto No. 1 in E major, Op. 8, RV 269 Allegro by Antonio Vivaldi Concerto No. in E major, Op. 8, RV 269 Allegro was the first part in Antonio Vivaldi’s most famous work The Four Seasons and it was one of the best-known pieces of the Baroque music. The Four Seasons (Italian: Le Quattro Stagioni) was a set of the first four violin concertos composed in 1723. Instead of using the human voices to perform the melody, the classical string instruments, such as violins and cellos, created a form called string ensemble to enrich the melody of the piece. The piece was performed in E major with different melodies, usually more than two, mixing together to create a great harmony.There were many repetitions in the measures of the piece, sometimes with parallel rhythms in different keys. And the fast and cherry tempo created a light and grateful feeling, which was in sync with the theme of spring in this piece. It employed duple meter throughout the Allegro piece and formed a steady but light sense. The dynamics changes of the piece were very drastic, ranging from piano to forte, creating clear images to the listeners. The cherry tone of the music was my favorite part of the concerto and the great contrast between the first and second violins or violins and basses has drawn me into the theme the music provided.However, the abrupt start of the piece was one of my least favorite parts of the piece because it seemed too sudden and strong to be the introduction of the whole concerto. Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551 Allegro vivace by Wolfgang Mozart The 41st Symphony in C major, K. 551 was the last of a set of three Mozart composed in rapid succession during the summer of 1788. It was his last symphony and it was also known as the â€Å"Jupiter Symphony†. There were many instrumental elements involved in the piece, including piano, first violins, second violins, oboes, flutes, trumpets, and trombones.The general mood for the piece was glorious with triumph. The first movement of the symphony, which was the Allegro vivace, was a good example for a C major trumpet-symphony tradition. It took the form of a militaristic march with a distinctive duple meter of 4/4. The opening was very loud and strong, setting the tone for the rest of the piece. Also, the brass emphasized the tonic of C followed by the first violins. The dynamics changes were drastic throughout the piece with numerous contrasting motifs. Then, the contrasting motifs expanded and developed, which led to the stormy theme in C minor.There were many repetitions throughout the piece with extensive development. At the end of the piece, the restatement was followed by a chromatically falling bass and then led to C major for a traditional recapitulation with the exception of the usual key transpositions and some expansion of the minor key sections. I greatly enjoyed the opening of the piece which was very powerful, which set the tone for the rest of the piece. However, the sudden full stop before the expositional code was too abrupt, which distracted me from the theme the piece has set up. The evolution of music from 1000 AD to 2000 AD The music has changed greatly since the early medieval period and these changes added much complexity to the music. One of the major evolutions music has gone through was its form. From homophony to symphony, the forms of music have increased greatly in its complexity and fullness. In the early 1000s, music was only performed by mono or up to three human voices without any instrumental accompanies. However, the form of performance has expanded to orchestra, with numerous instruments, such as woodwinds, pianos, and string instruments, by late 1700s.Secondly, the purpose of the music has changed greatly throughout the years. In the early medieval period, the majority of music was written for the purpose of religious needs. For example, many chants are written to praise God or the Virgin Mary. However, the purpose of music widen as the evolution continued. It gradually expanded to praising humanity and nature in the mid 1300s, then, exponentially developed into any themes that the composers liked to express. In addition, the dynamics of the piece became more drastic while the performances were required to be more precise.In the early ages, most European chants were performed freely by the singers and the dynamics were mainly kept smooth with numerous breaks between stanzas. However, as the music written notations matured, the composers were able to express its work in a more precise manner, which required performers to strictly follow the written notations. In short, the music has become more complex and rich in numerous areas, such as forms, rhythms, dynamics, themes, and written notations. Although the earlier music was not as popular as the contemporary pieces, it was still crucial to the history of music because it captured the evolution of the music. How to cite Music Theory, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
ddsdds Essay Example For Students
ddsdds Essay Summary: Hamlet is upset with his mothers hasty marriage to his King Uncle Father,Claudius following his fathers death. He suspects foul play which is later confirmed bythe ghost of his father. Now, Hamlet is set on avenging the death of his father as a favorto him. At the same time, he must figure out who is more at fault, his mother oruncle-father. This completely messes with Hamlets mind and he is confused entirely onhis situation. His reaction to her marriage in the first place sent him into deep depression,but now, there might of been an alterior motive to the whole thing. Also, there is a certain amount of hatred/jealousy towards Claudius projected fromHamlet. It all pertains to the subject of the Oedipus Complex. Was Hamlet indeed inlove with his mother and longing to take the place of her affections? 1. a father killed, a mother stained Quote used to describe basic plot. For while few of us have murdered fathers to avenge, and not so many adulterousmothers to shame us, there will be hardly a man in any audience to whom that wordmadness, in some one of its meanings, has not at one time or another come dreadfullyhome. Gertrude is shown sensually in love with Claudius, and seductive enough to make himcommit murder for her sake. This shows Gertrude as a vixen and suggests that she isthe reason that Claudius commited murder. Hamlet rages at her no more. But the compassion stirred in him soon hardens to irony. He has, she tells him, cleft her heart in twain. His O, throw away the worser part of it,/And live the purer with the other half only preludes the Good-night; but go not to mineuncles bed;/ Assume a virtue if you have it not. Hamlet is talking to Gertrude inher chambers after the play and is informing her that she is a sinful and lustfulwoman. This is when he suddenly feels a sense of passion for her. 2. Explaination of Gertrudes Character: Gertrude, Hamlets mother, is one of themost crucial characters in the play because she is the focus of the love and/or anger of thetrio of men who have been or are in contention for Denmarks throneHamlets father,Claudius, and Hamlet himself. In Shakespeares timeless version, Gertrude is less aware of any wrongdoing. She ismore of an innocent sex object manipulated by her husband and son and frustrated by herdesire to love and please both of them. The Ghosts Obsession with Gertrude: Before he disappears, he returns to the topicof Gertrudes sexual misdeed, but again admonishes Hamlet to leave her to heaven. Theghosts second appearance to Hamlet is prompted by the need for further defense ofGertrude. Hamlets resolution when he is preparing to visit his mothersbedchamberseems to be failing. His frezied attack on Gertrude gains verbal force andviolence until the ghost intervenes. Hamlet shares the ghosts obsession with Gertrudessexuality, but is dissipating the energy that should be directed toward avenging his fathersmurder in attacking GertrudeThe ghost intervene to command Hamlet to protectGertrude, to step between her and her fighting soul. Gertrude (cont.): Hamlets violent emotions toward his mother are obvious from hisfirst soliloquy, in which twenty-three of the thirty-one lines express his anger and disgustat what he perceives to be Gertrudes weakness, insensitivity, and, most important,bestiality. Claudius speaks respectfully of Gertrude throughout the play. His toleration forHamlets extraordinary behavior is for his love for Gertrude. Gertrudes attractiveness for Claudius is one of the causes for obsessionand his sexualposession of her is one of the resultsof the murder of old Hamlet. Although he clearlyloves her-he shares the Hamlets conception of Gertrude as an object. She is posessedas one of the effects of his actions. Though he loves her so, he will not stop her fromdrinking the poisoned wine, which asks many questions for his self-restraint. .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .postImageUrl , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:hover , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:visited , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:active { border:0!important; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:active , .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773 .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u12302e2372c76b4ba5996ae11d9db773:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A tale of two cities 2 EssayShe is repeatedly ordered off by Claudius, which he does both to protect her from thediscovery of his guilt and to confer with her priavtely about how to deal with Hamlet. Guilt of Gertrude: When speaking to Hamlet, the ghost does not state or suggestGertrudes guilt in the murder
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